Associate Membership

Associate Membership may be granted to groups or individuals, non-profit or corporate, who are engaged in activities that relate to the objectives of MACSP and who are not eligible for Full Membership. Associate Members shall be ineligible to hold office or vote in the affairs of MACSP. Associate Members may attend all general membership meetings, committee meetings, annual business meetings, and conventions at the member rate.

Associate Membership Levels for 2023-2024

MACSP Collaborator $500

Collaborators are individuals who seek to partner with MACSP on shared initiatives and do not qualify for Full Membership. All collaborators are featured on MACSP’s website.

MACSP Ally $1000 

A peer Association or non-profit organization that has a common interest, shared vision or mission, and a desire to support MACSP in achieving Association goals and objectives. MACSP Allies have access to Association Committee meetings one time per fiscal year quarter (fiscal year is July 1 – June 30). Entities that sell a product or service are not eligible for this membership level.

MACSP Endorsed Vendor $1500

Endorsed Vendors are individuals and businesses that provide services and products that support MACSP’s Members. Endorsed Vendors are featured on MACSP’s website, can send promotional messages to MACSP’s Full Membership list twice each year, and are welcomed as a featured presenters at one membership meeting each year. This is the category of membership that is most appropriate for an individual or corporation that provides contracted consultation services.

Associate Member Application

"*" indicates required fields

Please fill out the form below. When complete use the submit button at the bottom of the page.

Corporate Status:*
Please complete the following information for the person who is responsible for billing and financial management in your organization.
Please select your preferred Associate Membership:
Associate Member Levels for FY 2025*
I certify that the information provided in this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.