Quality Pledge

MACSP Principles, Standards, and Quality Pledge

MACSP Members commit to the following prescribed standards and principles of quality, which apply to the supports provided and the professional relationship with persons served, parents and guardians of persons served, colleagues, related agencies and professions, and the community at large.


  • Provide supports and services in a manner which exemplifies integrity, compassion, and respect for individual differences and choice;
  • Provide supports and services designed to meet the needs of the individual supported with emphasis on promoting choice, self-determination, inclusion, growth, and development;
  • Respect the privacy of the individual supported and protect the rights of confidentiality;
  • Give preference to professional responsibility over any personal interest;
  • Advocate for standards that promote outcomes of quality;
  • Advocate for and provide supports and services that best assure the health and safety of the individual supported;
  • Encourage and advocate for the protection of the individual supported and the community at-large against unethical and/or illegal practices or actions by other individuals or organizations engaged in providing supports;
  • Not discriminate because of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or national ancestry and work to eliminate or prevent such discrimination;
  • Promote inclusion and equitable treatment of all people including those receiving supports, staff, friends, families, and the community at-large;
  • Serve as a responsible steward for public and private funds;
  • Contribute to MACSP Membership ideas, findings, concepts, understanding, knowledge, and practice which further develop education and expanded knowledge of leading practices in providing high quality supports and services to individuals with disabilities;
  • Keep MACSP information and materials confidential without further dissemination or distribution to employees without a need or to any third parties without the express written permission of MACSP; and
  • Be accountable for statements made with respect to individuals with disabilities and distinguish clearly statements and actions made as an individual and, when authorized by the MACSP Board of Directors, those made as a representative of MACSP.

From Left to Right: Bonnie-Jean Brooks, MACSP Lifetime Member | Laura Cordes, MACSP Executive Director pictured with Stacy DiStefano of Consulting for Human Services and Catherine Thibedeau, IAM Executive Director | Maxwell Haney, Serenity Residential Care Senior Program Manager | Felix Mutunzi, Safe Residential Care Managing Director pictured with Paul Munyura, Legends Residential Care CEO and Jean Rutonesha, Standard Care CEO | Steve Bijoga, Hope Family Partners CEO and Assumpta Mukabutera, Impactful Residential Care Co-CEO posing with the late Dr. Justin Nsenga.